2016 Tapping World Summit FAQ’s

Q #1: How do I join The Tapping Solution’s Affiliate Program?

A: The Affiliate Program is now closed to new affiliates, we are no longer accepting new applications.

Q #2: How do I get my 1ShoppingCart links?

A: You can watch a video on the tutorial page that explains how to grab your links. The most important thing to remember about your links is that it has the letters “Clk” in them and NOT “ad”. If your link says “ad” that means you grabbed a link that will NOT track to you. Make sure to grab links from INSIDE the content of the email and NOT from on top of the box.

To see the full tutorial go here:


Q #3: How do I connect my readers to The Tapping Solution’s Customer Service Team?

A: Our Customer Service Team is ready to help and can be reached at contact@thetappingsolution.com

Q #4: Who is my Affiliate Manager and how do I reach them?

A: Lori Hansen is your Affiliate Manager and she can be reached at lori@thetappingsolution.com.  Please take a minute to review some of our FAQ’s, as you may find the answer to your question on this page right now. 🙂

You can lean all about The Tapping World Summit and how the pre-registration period works here:  https://www.tappingjv.com/7th-annual-tapping-world-summit-affiliates/

Q #5: When will I get paid commission on my sales?

A: Affiliate commissions are paid at the end of our 90-day money-back guarantee period. We typically pay commissions during the first week of the month after the guarantee period has ended. So, for example, commissions for sales in January will be paid the first week of May, and commissions generated in February will be paid the first week of June, discounting returns, if any. In addition we have a minimum of $50 required to trigger a payment.  As soon as you reach that threshold, and after the guarantee period ends, a commission payment will be generated.  We do, however, pay out all outstanding commissions at the end of the calendar year.

Q #6: I’m a new affiliate and I want to share information about The Tapping World Summit but I don’t know where to start.  Where do most people share their links?

A: You can share your affiliate link in several places and mediums.  Common ways that successful affiliates use their links are to write an email to their readers and include information about the event with links there.  You can also share the links via social media like Facebook or Twitter.  You can blog about the event and include your affiliate link there, once the blog is complete and loaded on your site you can link to it through an email or social media post.  Another option is to list the event on your “Resources” page of your main website.  What you may NOT do is offer special coupons or coupon codes that are not specifically issued or approved by The Tapping Solution, LLC, nor advertise your affiliate URL through Google Adwords or other mediums that compete directly with the main www.TheTappingSolution.com website.

You can lean all about The Tapping World Summit and how the pre-registration period works here:  https://www.tappingjv.com/7th-annual-tapping-world-summit-affiliates/

Q #7: You’ve mentioned a special cookie system for the Tapping World Summit so that people only see the opt-in page once.  What is that?

A: We have a special cookie system that cookies people when they opt-in so that they never have to opt-in again. Here’s how it works…

Say for example you sent out an email for Video 1. “John Adams” puts his name and email in and watches the video. When he does this we cookie his computer. Two days later you send out for Video 2. When John clicks on the link the webpage recognizes that he already opted in to Video 1 so it shoots him past the opt-in page and shows him Video 2. This way YOU look better since he thinks you’re just sending him content and John doesn’t have to opt-in again since we’ve already captured his email. 🙂


Q #8: I’m looking for my emails for Video #1 but I can’t find them.  I only see Video #2.

A: When you’re in the emails area at the bottom there will be an option to go to a 2nd page.  Keep scrolling through the pages until you find the emails you’re looking for.

.Q #9: I want to send people to a registration page for the event.  How do I do that?

A: The registration page for the event will be open on February 11th, 2016.  In the meantime, we suggest sending people to the first three videos of the pre-launch.  Keep in mind that people will only see the opt-in page if they have not opted in before.  If they opt-in for Video #1 when you send them to Video #2 and Video #3 they will see the video right away…making you look good.  🙂

Q #10: Do you permanently cookie in the lead to an affiliate the first time they visit the page?  Is this a first or last cookie setup?

A: 1shoppingcart says they’re a “last cookie” system which means they do not lock you in but I’ve been stuck on people’s affiliate cookies on my own computer in the past and not been able to change it so I don’t fully believe that.  And I’ve heard everyone inside my company and others outside of here tell me the same.

Technically 1shoppingcart.com is a “last cookie” system but based on my experience…I’m not completely sure.  🙂.

Q #11: Is there a way to see the stats for individual emails and links I have sent out?

A: Yes, there is.  Log in to your affiliate account and look in your “emails” area you’ll see stats under each of the individual emails.  Just find the stats for the email you used and it will tell you how it did.  🙂.

Q #12: All of my links seem to have different numbers in them.  Do they all track to me?

A: Yes, they all track to you.  They’re different so that you can see stats for each email you send out.  If you’re getting the link from your affiliate area and it has the letters “Clk” in it then you have the right link, even though the end numbers will be different.  🙂